Teach loan forgiveness application send to

NSLP is your resource for Teacher Loan Forgiveness information. From frequently asked questions to the appropriate form, we’re here to help you. For more information, please see below or click here. (Spanish version)

Q. What is Teacher Loan Forgiveness?

A. It is a federal student loan forgiveness program, designed for eligible teachers teaching in elementary and secondary schools to forgive all or a portion of the outstanding principal and interest on federal Stafford loans, or on consolidated loans that hold federal Stafford loans.

Q. How do I know if I am eligible for this program?

A. Please download a copy of NSLP’s Teacher Loan Forgiveness: Guide to the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program handout. This handout will outline the general eligibility criteria and the specific criteria for both the $5,000 and $17,500 levels of forgiveness. (Spanish version)

Q. How do I get a Teacher Loan Forgiveness application?

A. You may contact your loan holder for an application or you may download a copy from the NSLP website here.

Q. To whom do I send the application?

A. You will send your application to your loan holder. If you are unsure who holds your loan, you can find your loan information on the Studentaid.gov. You will need your FSA ID to access in order to access this information. If you do not have an FSA ID, you can create one here.

Q. How long does it take to process the application?

A. The loan holder is allowed 60 days from the day it receives your completed application to process it and forward it to the guarantor. The guarantor then has an additional 45 days to either approve or deny the request.

Q. If I have more than one lender, can I send applications to all my lenders?

A. Yes, you may send an application to each of your lenders. The guarantors and lenders typically coordinate the payments so that no borrower is paid more Teacher Loan Forgiveness benefits than he or she is eligible to receive.

Q. Does my school qualify under Teach Loan Forgiveness?

A. To see if your school qualifies under the Teacher Loan Forgiveness, please go to:

Q. What do I do if my school is Title I, but is not listed in the Annual Directory of Designated Low-Income Schools for Teacher Cancellation Benefits?

A. Your school would need to contact the agency in your state that reports this information to the federal government. If your school is eligible to be in the low-income school directory, you may reapply for Teacher Loan Forgiveness benefits once the school appears on the appropriate low-income list.