Health canada dealers license application
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There are several steps to becoming a licensed producer of cannabis in Canada:
Licensed Producer Application Process" width="300" height="200" />
- Become familiar with all relevant Federal and provincial, territorial and municipal legislation (See section 5.1 of this guide:
- Identify licence class and subclass of interest (See:
- Create a CTLS Account (See: http://what-is-the-cannabis-tracking-and-licensing-system/)
- Inform all required individuals associated with the proposed licence holder to create a CTLS account, and apply for a security clearance, if applicable (See Section 5.4 of this guide:
- Create corporate account, if applicable
- Create an application and gather all information
- Submit application
Health Canada changed its application process in May 2019 to speed up the approval process. It required new applicants to have their facility built before submitting their application.
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