Energy Theft

Energy theft is dangerous and illegal . Stealing electricity and natural gas is dangerous and it’s also against the law. It is illegal to tamper with electric or natural gas service, or reconnect it. DTE Energy has adopted a zero tolerance policy. Anyone caught stealing energy may be prosecuted. In Michigan, energy theft is a crime and can result in fines and /or jail time.

Energy theft can take several forms — meter or equipment tampering, copper theft and identity theft. Knowingly using electric or natural gas energy service that is not correctly metered or while not having a legitimate account with DTE Energy is stealing. DTE Energy monitors suspicious accounts and conducts visual investigations of its meters and service lines at homes and businesses.

DTE Energy's equipment, including meters, pipes and wires, are designed and installed by trained professionals. Tampering with this equipment exposes you, your family and your neighbors to the risk of electric shock, fire, explosion, injury or even death.

Meter or Equipment Tampering

If you suspect that an electric or gas meter in our service area might have been tampered with, call our theft hotline at (800) 441-6698 . All reports are kept strictly confidential. Telephone reports may be made anonymously. Remember, reporting energy theft may protect you, your family, your neighbors and your property.

Copper Theft

Copper thieves target power lines as well as transformers on DTE utility poles. These illegal activities expose live wires and damaged equipment that can be deadly. If you suspect copper theft, please contact our Copper Theft Hotline at (313) 235-9113 .

Identity Theft

If you believe your personal information has been fraudulently used to open an electric or gas service account, or to conduct transactions related to your utility account, call (800) 447-4747 .