Help for Pet Cancer

It all began in 1931 when Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Peace prize with his discovery that cancer can be created when cells can no longer absorb oxygen. Dr. Johanna Budwig expanded upon this breakthrough to create a protocol that restores all cells to normal function. Dr. Budwig was a top European cancer researcher, scientist, biochemist, blood specialist, pharmacologist and physicist. She also was a six time Nobel Prize nominee. In 1952 she was Germany’s Central Government Senior expert on fats and pharmaceuticals. Her success rate was over 90%, even when treating patients considered terminal with little time left. And though Dr. Budwig worked primarily with humans, she also recommended the protocol to treat dogs with cancer.

Around Christmas 2005, my husband noticed a lump behind his left ear and we immediately assumed it was a swollen gland. But after several months it remained. After a biopsy, x-rays, CT & PET scans, he received the diagnosis: non-hodgekins lymphoma, which was determined to be malignant and incurable. Tests also revealed a second, larger growth on the other side. By January 2006, his first oncologist prescribed chemotherapy and radiation. The prospect of such a debilitating treatment with little promise of cure seemed counter-intuitive to us.

We eventually found a doctor who supported a “watchful-waiting” approach. The reason being that aggressive medical treatment should only be used as a “last line of defense” due to its severe toxicity and negligible efficacy. In addition Robert had a consultation at the Hippocrates Institute and began a raw foods diet. The tumors almost completely disappeared, until April 2012. After over five years, the tumors returned, even more aggressively. We panicked! All the doctors were now insisting on Chemotherapy, etc.

Serendipity struck, and changed his life and health, when out of the blue he encountered a random acquaintance who knew his predicament. He suggested Robert explore Dr. Johanna Budwig and the Budwig Protocol. It is a simple program that he followed diligently and now his cancer is considered “non-detectable”. Robert’s experience and consequent healing was miraculous.

When our golden retriever, Jesse, was diagnosed with mammary cancer, we immediately initiated this program. Dr. Budwig wrote that this protocal is also effective in helping dogs with cancer for the same reasons. As current cancer treatments for dogs are devastatingly painful, ineffective and costly, the Budwig protocol makes absolute sense when trying to help an animal with this disease. It is simply a more kind and harmless treatment. It proved very successful , and Jesse was able to avoid further treatment for many years. Based on our own experiences, we strongly encourage those with sick pets to investigate further and utilize this life saving program. There is virtually nothing to lose.

One of the main components of the Budwig diet is oxygen. As Dr. Budwig learned from Dr. Warburg, when cells can’t absorb oxygen, cancer can develop. Therefore it is essential to consume foods that offer nutrients that help cells absorb oxygen. The Budwig diet begins with organic cold pressed, liquid flax seed oil, blended with organic cottage cheese or “quark”. She found that blending these together causes certain protein components, like cysteine, to bond with the oil. This makes it more water soluble and easier to digest and metabolize. More essential fatty acids and electrons in the oil reach the cells. This in turn heals the cell membrane, where carcinogens attach.
One very important aspect of this program is the preparation. You must blend the proper oil with a high quality dairy product for maximum absorption. Dr. Budwig recommends Barleans non-lignan organic Flax oil and organic cottage cheese. I use a hand held, immersible blender and mix till the oil doesn’t rise, sort of like a custard. If your dog won’t eat it, try adding a tiny portion of smelly sausage or anchovies, salmon, and blend in already made custard. Jesse loved it when I added a little grated cheddar or American cheese.

The ratio of flax oil to cottage cheese is 1:2, so 1 tablespoon oil to 2 tablespoons cheese. For a large dog (100+ lbs) your goal should be 6 tablespoons of oil daily. Start small to avoid diarrhea. 3 tablespoons for the first few weeks, then increase slowly till you reach 6 tablespoons. For a 50lb. dog, cut the dose in half and for the little ones, cut ½ again. For Jesse, I would divide her daily portion and give her half for breakfast and dinner. There are many excellent demonstrations for the preparation of the custard on the inter net. I like the tutorials on

One of the main components of the Budwig diet is oxygen. As Dr. Budwig learned from Dr. Warburg, when cells can’t absorb oxygen, cancer can develop. Therefore it is essential to consume foods that offer nutrients that help cells absorb oxygen. The Budwig diet begins with organic cold pressed, liquid flax seed oil, blended with organic cottage cheese or “quark”. She found that blending these together causes certain protein components, like cysteine, to bond with the oil. This makes it more water soluble and easier to digest and metabolize. More essential fatty acids and electrons in the oil reach the cells. This in turn heals the cell membrane, where carcinogens attach.
One very important aspect of this program is the preparation. You must blend the proper oil with a high quality dairy product for maximum absorption. Dr. Budwig recommends Barleans non-lignan organic Flax oil and organic cottage cheese. I use a hand held, immersible blender and mix till the oil doesn’t rise, sort of like a custard. If your dog won’t eat it, try adding a tiny portion of smelly sausage or anchovies, salmon, and blend in already made custard. Jesse loved it when I added a little grated cheddar or American cheese.

This program is much more involved for humans than I have explained here. There is much information on the internet regarding the Budwig Protocol. Some is more accurate than others. My husband, Robert, is happy to help any humans navigate Budwig further.(

The ratio of flax oil to cottage cheese is 1:2, so 1 tablespoon oil to 2 tablespoons cheese. For a large dog (100+ lbs) your goal should be 6 tablespoons of oil daily. Start small to avoid diarrhea. 3 tablespoons for the first few weeks, then increase slowly till you reach 6 tablespoons. For a 50lb. dog, cut the dose in half and for the little ones, cut ½ again. For Jesse, I would divide her daily portion and give her half for breakfast and dinner. There are many excellent demonstrations for the preparation of the custard on the inter net. I like the tutorials on

For dogs, I have culled through many websites. Below are the ones I recommend you start with. They seem to have the most accurate information on the Budwig Protocol: